I want to write about my desk. It’s so friggity diggity awesome. A little used but definitely an improve with my last desk. It is still a nice desk because Tony’s taking it which is an improvement from his current desk. Look at that nice picture of my new desk. I just don’t think I can write an entire entry about my new desk. It would be boring and no one would like it. So…

My New and Improved Desk

I’ll write about other stuff too. Right now, this very second, I’m exhausted. It was the final week for our pledges which means every single night is a late one. Then on Friday I pretty much got wasted. Ole Waffles had a good time too which I haven’t seen in a while since he’s a big bad teacher now. That was a nice change. I think all of my roomates had a good time that night. Then Saturday night was Buffett Bash which I had fun at. It was evident that everyone was as tired as I was. It felt really good to see people this weekend that I haven’t gotten the chance to see or hang out with in a long time because I’ve been so busy. Then today I went and saw a couple of my brother’s baseball games which merited about 2 hours of driving there, then to HG (to get my new BIG desk), then back to the thrill.