For those that don’t know I applied for a job in Charleston as a software engineer. Well I found out that they have decided to move further in the application process with other applicants. There are several things which make this really suck. I’m not that hurt that I didn’t get that job. I was actually honored to have been there. Half of the applicants had masters degrees. There were really four schools represented: Clemson, UGA, Georgia Tech, and Winthrop. Winthrop isn’t exactly known for their computer science department so it really speaks that I was invited down there. I did get a free night in a fancy hotel as well as a laptop bag.

What’s made this rejection hard is a couple of things. First being I’ve manifested this job into “what I need.” Everything about it seemed to be what I need right now. The facilities were amazing. The pay was great, and most importantly it wasn’t in York County. It seemed like my ticket out. Not that I am 100% set on leaving this county I just got excited about being in a new area with new things to do.

The second reason it’s exceptionally hard for me is that I haven’t lost in a while. I know that sounds conceited and I’m not trying to be. I just mean that in some time the things I apply for or decide to go after, I’ve been fortunate enough to get. I look back at all the jobs and positions I’ve applied for such as: my current job, the Carowinds job, being orientation staff coordinator, being an orientation assistant, working for residence life, getting into Kappa Sigma, getting into Winthrop. All I can focus on right now. Getting turned down – having someone say that I’m not good enough has really knocked the wind out of me. I have been very wound up in anticipation for graduation and getting a real job but this has just knocked me down a peg or two.